Worker Support - How to upload documents

If you receive an error uploading your Proof of Identity or documents to the Sven Worker App, it is likely due to one of the below reasons. 

The document upload failed due to a problem with the file 

  1. Image colour quality (8,000 pixels by 8,000 pixels or smaller)
  2. File must be 10 MB or less
  3. File must be in JPG, PNG or PDF format
  4. Must not be password protected
  5. The file is not an acceptable form of ID from a supported country or is not a type of legal Proof of Identity document that is expected. For a list, see Acceptable ID types by country.
  6. Both the front and back of a driver’s license or identity card are required 
  7. *If the ID is from the Netherlands, make sure your citizen service number (BSN) is not visible in the photo.

The document upload failed due to a validity issue 

  1. The issue or the expiry date is missing 
  2. The document is expired. If it’s an identity document, its expiration date must be after the date the document was submitted. If it’s an address document, the issue date must be within the last six months

The document upload failed as the document could not be verified 

  1. The name on the account couldn’t be verified. Full legal name must be on the document and match the name on the Sven Worker account
  2. The information on the ID document doesn’t match the information provided in the Sven Worker App

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