Business Support - How to post a job/shift?
Posting a job or shift on Sven Jobs is designed to be simple and efficient. Follow these steps to ensure a seamless process:
Step 1: Access the Job Board
- The Job Board is where you'll create, manage, or update jobs.
Step 2: Initiate Job Creation
- To create a new job, click on "Create a Job" in the top right corner of your Job Board.
- Select the desired Award using the dropdown menu.
Step 3: Select your state and your Fair Work classification
- The Fair Work classification is the level at which your desired staff member will operate under. There can be multiple possible roles within each award. If you're unsure, head to for more information.
Step 4: Build your job ad
- Enter essential information about the job, such as Job title (such as Barista, Gardener, Events Waiter, Retail Assistant etc), certification requirements (RSA/RCG/White Card), a job description (what will they be doing on the day), uniform guidelines, and any specific things the worker 'must be able to do'.
- Find your perfect match. This is the clever bit! Select the skills that are required for the position. You can select as few or as many as you like. Only workers with the skills you've selected will be able to see the shift. Any workers without those skills won't see the shift at all.
Step 5: Create the first shift
- Enter your shift location. Your default business address will be pre-filled here. If you have 1 primary place of business, you don't need to change this. If for example you are a catering/events business, and you service multiple locations, you have the option here to change the address to the specific location.
- Choose the type of shift you want to create between Single, Multiple and Roster.
Single Shift - a one-time occurrence
Multiple Shift - a shift with a repeat occurrence (for example every Tuesday for the next 6 weeks)
Roster Shift - Similar to a classic shift schedule, this option allows you to post shifts for up to a week with varying start and end times.
- Enter shift date and time. Be sure the shift meets the minimum hours requirement for your award. In Hospitality for example, this is 2 hours. If a shift ends before the minimum hours, workers must be paid for the minimum, according to Fair Work legislation.
- Enter the number of workers you need and the name of the on-duty manager so they know who to report to when they arrive.
- As you enter the shift details, the estimated shift cost will be calculated automatically. Bear in mind, the displayed hourly rate is the base rate, before penalties and loading.
Step 7: Job Summary
- After completing the previous steps, a job summary will be available for your review.
- Make any necessary edits before proceeding.
Step 8: Invite Matches
- Now it's time to find suitable workers for your shift. 'Find my workers' will send the shift to the whole Sven marketplace. 'Invite matched workers' sends the shift only to your favourites list. The first 'favourite' worker to grab the shift will be locked in. 'Invite workers' allows you add someone specific on Sven using their email address. You may use this if you don't want to send the shift to the whole favourites list.