Business Support - How to manage shifts?

Managing your shifts effectively is crucial for smooth operations. Sven Jobs makes it easy to oversee all upcoming and completed shifts within the Job Board. Here's how:

Navigating the Job Board after creating a shift

  • Once you have invited Sven worker matches to your shift, the job will appear on your personalised Job Board. This board provides a summary of all pending and filled jobs.

Managing shifts in detail

  • To access more information about a specific shift, click on "View Shift". From here, you can see all relevant details about the shift, including worker names, times, and other pertinent information.

Editing shift details

  • If you need to make changes to a shift, such as adjusting the start time or modifying the number of workers needed, click "Edit" at the bottom of the shift details. Make the necessary adjustments and save your changes. Keep in mind that altering shift details may impact worker availability, so be sure to communicate any changes promptly.

Cancelling a shift

  • You are able to cancel shifts any time prior to the shift start time with no cancellation fee, however please provide as much notice as possible to respect the workers time and know that this may impact your Sven rating.

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